What to Read
If you’re choosing software, I wrote a somewhat irreverent guide on how to do that. Even software engineers will find it useful.
If you’re a developer, I wrote a career course. If you’re early in your career, it’ll add a million dollars to your lifetime earnings by giving you a clear, upward path. Supposedly knowing a little about negotiation adds a million bucks (compound interest, etc.), and this goes way beyond that. Many (most?) senior devs don’t know this stuff.
If you are considering going to college, or have a kid, I wrote how you’re probably going to waste $200K on your education. But also, how not to waste that money.
If you’re curious about how America will radically change over the next 5-10 years, I wrote about the rise of the robot chauffeurs. Or as most call them, autonomous vehicles. I spent weeks researching it, and can’t tell you how many times my mind was blown.
I also give talks on careers and programmer productivity, if you need a speaker for your conference. Reviews have all been positive.
While I’m changing how you see the world, here are three documentaries that have done that for me:
Latest Articles
Web Framework Performance Benchmarks
This is making the rounds and is pretty interesting: http://www.techempower.com/blog/2013/03/28/framework-benchmarks/ My framework of choice, Grails, doesn't look spectacularly fast, although I already knew that. However, it is nice to see that it is notably faster...
Cebu City: First Impressions
I've recently arrived in Cebu City, Philippines. My impressions of the city are colored, of course, by living in the US, but also by spending the previous 2 months in Bangkok. Here's what struck me. Arrival Touch down in Manila (MNL), but almost didn't make it as...
Bangkok: First Impressions, Observations, and Misconceptions
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Basically, I’m just gonna walk the earth.
I am beginning a grand adventure. Well, for me, anyway. At the end of this year, I will be flying to Bangkok, Thailand to start a 6 month (or longer) trek abroad. You know, like Caine in Kung Fu. Well, not exactly. This isn't a vacation. It's an experiment in nomadic...
MySQL Failed to open file – error 2 and 22 on Windows
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Companies Using Grails
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Merging XML Files With Groovy
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The Paperless Business Card
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